Annual General Meeting 2015, News (Essa Minor Hockey)

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Mar 14, 2015 | Tiffany Hart | 6049 views
Annual General Meeting 2015
 Essa Minor Hockey's Annual General Meeting will be held in the basement of the Angus Legion on Thursday, April 9th at 7pm SHARP. One representative from each family should be in attendance. **New this year any returning EMHA family that doesn't provide representation at the AGM will have a $25 Non-Attendance Fee added to their registration for the 2015-2016 season.**

Below is the Agenda for the meeting. 
In addition, we are looking for new members to join the Executive and replace retiring members.
If you are interested please download the nomination form nomination_form_2015 and submit
to Meagan, our Corporate Secretary before March 25, 2015.

Agenda - Annual General Meeting - April 9th, 2015
* Call to Order
* Review of the Minutes from the 2014 AGM
* Approve the Auditor's Report
* Continue with Barrow Smith Consulting
* Accomplishments * Room for Improvement
* Executive Reports
* Proposed Bylaw & ROO changes
* Team Projections
* 2015 Registration Fees & Payment Schedule
* 2015 Fundraising Plans
* Delegations & Voting
* Adjournment  