Bantam 2002 & 2003 Players, News (Essa Minor Hockey)

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May 23, 2016 | Tiffany Hart | 5073 views
Bantam 2002 & 2003 Players
The decision on the Bantam team for the 2016-2017 season (in regards to whether it will be a Rep or Local League team) will be made at the next executive meeting on June 14, 2016. 

Please note: 3.5a Exemption to Play in Another Centre
You need to be registered with Essa at the time of the decision in order to eligible for a 3.5.  In order to be considered registered you need to sign up online and have all fees paid in full.  If you are not registered at the time of the decision you are not eligible to request a 3.5.  Please be sure to be registered by June 13th, 2016.

3.5 Exemption to Play in Another Centre
If a Centre is unable to provide a representative team
within a division for which a player is eligible by age
and residency for the category of that Centre, the
player, after first registering with his Home Centre and
attending the scheduled tryouts, may be granted
permission to:
i) register and play with the team in the next higher
age division in his Home Centre, as allowed in
Regulation 3.6
, OR,
ii) Try out for a team in his own age division, but not
subdivision, in the next nearest Centre from his
residence which can provide him with hockey.
Written permission from the Home Centre,
authorized by the Regional Director for the Home
Centre, is required to be eligible to try out in that
next nearest Centre. If the player registers to
participate on the representative team, the
Regional Director responsible for the registration
is required to forward a copy of the written
authorized permission to the OMHA Executive
Director, the District Vice-President and the
President. Such permission shall be for one
season only
Current Methods of Player Movement:
i) The waiver system will continue for the AAA
hockey program as per the current
OMHA/Alliance regulations
ii) The current LOR regulations remain in effect
iii) Players from an Associ
ation that is unable to
roster a team in a season may try out in the next
nearest Centre per OMHA Regulation 3.5 a)
Additional Method of Player Movement For Non
Resident Players to A or AA:
i) Movement to AA or A is only permitted for
participants Minor Peewee age and above
To be eligible the player is required to be
the Minor Peewee age (11 years old) or older as
at December 31 of the current playing season;
OMHA Regulation 3.6 is
ii) Movement is only permit
ted to a higher level for
players from A and below base category Centres
There shall be NO lateral movement (i.e.: A
to A, AA to AA)
iii) Alliance seeded Centres will be categorized as AA
for the purpose of player movement for OMHA
players from BB and below
Maximum number of rostered “Non Resident
Players” (NRP) is three (3) per eligible team.
Once a team has rostered an NRP then NO
replacement NRP will be permitted
Other than at a player’s Home Centre,
number of tryouts is limited to two (2) other
categories. For his first opportunity, a player has
the right to choose to tryout at AAA as per OMHA
regulations, but this tryout is not mandatory. The
second opportunity, a player must try out for a AA
team at a AAA or AA base category Centre or an
A team at an A base category Centre. A player’s
tryout will only be permitted for the base category
team in a Centre, any exceptions are listed below
vi) Player
1. A player from an OMHA BB base category
Centre and below may try out for
a) AAA Zone as per the current regulations.
b) One (1) AA team in a AAA or AA base
category Centre nearest to his residence.
one (1) A team in an A base category
Centre nearest to his residence.
c) Home Centre
2. A player from an OMHA
A base category
may try out for
a) AAA Zone as per the current regulations.
b) One (1) AA team in an OMHA AAA or AA
base category Centre nearest his
c) Home Centre.
3. A player from an OMHA
AA base category
Centre without A programming
may try out
a) AAA Zone as per the current regulations.
b) Home Centre.
If a player’s AA Home Centre does not
offer A programming the player, after trying
out for his Home AA team, may try out for
one (1) OMHA A base category Centre
nearest to his residence.
4. A player from an OMHA
AA base category
Centre with A programming
may try out for
a) AAA Zone as per the current regulations.
b) Home Centre.
i) As per current Regulations no tryouts or on or off-
ice activities directly or indirectly (including
skating parties, conditioning camps, refresher
programs, etc.) may be conducted prior to the
completion of the OHF Minor Hockey
Championships. (OHF Regulation G)
ii) Eligible players, upon pre-registration with their
Home Centre for the upcoming season, must
request a Non Resident Player (NRP) Passport to
be eligible for the process/tryout. The Home
Centre verifies that the player is eligible by
age/residence for their Home Centre and
authorizes the NRP Passport
ii) If the player attends his Home AAA Zone tryouts
and is not offered a roster position he may then
exercise the option to attend tryouts at a Centre
as outlined under OMHA Regulation 3.5c)
Additional Method of Player Movement for Non
Resident Players and/or request an OHF AAA
Waiver per current Regulations
iii) If the player chooses to
exercise his option to try
out for a AA or A Centre as per OMHA Regulation
3.5c) Additional Method of
Player Movement for
Non Resident Players, that AA or A Centre must
validate the player’s attendance
at tryouts on the
NRP Passport
Should a player’s next nearest Centre categorized
at AA or A choose
to allow an NRP to try out
the player may continue to exercise his options
v) If the player is not offered a roster position at his
chosen option of AA or A he
return to his
Home Centre.
vi) If the player is offered a roster position at his
chosen option of AA or A he MUST return to his
Home Centre at the end of each season.
(Permission is for one (1) season only)
vii) The NRP Passport is retained by the
Centre/Team for which the player rosters and
MUST be uploaded to the player’s profile
viii) The Centre/Team with which the player rosters
notify the Home Centre by September 30th
of the current season
ix) A team must offer a player the opportunity to sign
a "Letter of Commitment" for the current season
within 14 days of the commencement of the
team's tryouts or September 15, whichever is
x) No player may be signed as a NRP after
September 15 of the current season
xi) A team cannot release a signed player after
September 15, without the agreement of his
Home Centre, in writing. Any such release shall
be to the player’s Home Centre
xii) A player requesting hi
s release back to the Home
Centre must do so, in writing, to the Rostering
Centre and the Home Centre
xiii) There will be no movement of players after
November 1st unless agreed by the player’s
parents, the Rostering Centre and the Home
Centre, in writing
xiv) Player Movement and the process will be
reviewed yearly