The Essa Minor Hockey Association (EMHA) is wholeheartedly run by volunteers, from executive board members to team officials, who dedicate their time outside of their full time jobs. Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve lost a number of members and are currently running very short staffed. As such, the EMHA is in need of hard working and dedicated volunteers as the organization solely depends on volunteers to keep running. The more people we have working towards one goal the less work there is for everyone!
Sign up to help out, be relevant, and contribute to the success of your child's hockey season and our association's achievements. The work can be both challenging and rewarding! Below is a list of available positions and a brief description. If you are interested in joining the executive and providing input into decisions that are made for the EMHA, please email stating the position of interest and any additional questions you may have. Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 9th. We will open the first 15-minutes to members interested in volunteering. If you would like to attend the meeting, please email the EMHA secretary letting her know and she will provide meeting details.
Treasurer - responsible for funds in and out of the association
Tournament Director - runs & organizes the organization’s tournaments
Association Head Coach - responsible for the coaches
Public Relations Director - responsible for team sponsorships
Fundraising Director- oversee and establish general EMHA fundraising ideas
Head Manager - responsible for the team managers
Director of Development - responsible for all player & goalie development
Jr coordinator - responsible for U9 and below