Mar 02, 2023 | nburleigh | 2854 views
EMHA Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday April 5th, at 6pm
Angus Recreation Centre.
EMHA Elected Positions up for nomination - Voted on at the AGM:
OMHA Centre Contact (3 year term)
Local League Contact (3 year term)
Risk Manager (2 year term)
EMHA Appointed Positions - Voted on by the elected officers of the Executive Committee within 30 days of the AGM.
Registrar (1 year term)
Ice Scheduler (1 year term)
Equipment Manager (1 year term)
Public Relations Director (1 year term)
Tournament Director (1 year term)
Fundraising Director (1 year term)
* All appointed positions become vacant as of March 31st (as per bylaw 8.2e). Anyone who is interested in taking on an appointed position should submit a nomination form. This includes any current executive member who is wishing to return to an appointed position. *
Please click on the link below to submit a nomination form.