NRP/Permission to Skate - A/AA/AAA, News (Essa Minor Hockey)

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Mar 15, 2016 | Tiffany Hart | 12681 views
NRP/Permission to Skate - A/AA/AAA
Tryouts for all centers will not begin until the conclusion of the OHF Championships for the 2015-2016 season. AA & A tryouts cannot start until AAA are finished.  Every player Peewee age and up is eligible to try out for an AA or an A team nearest his/her home. Player requests a Non-Resident Passport (NRP) from their Home Centre if they wish to tryout for either AA or A hockey. The player under NO circumstances is permitted to try out for both. Players Novice and above wishing to attend a “AAA Zone” tryout will need to request a Permission to Skate. Forms have not arrived yet but are expected by the end of March.

The Process:
Player requests a “Permission to Skate Form” if they wish to tryout for AAA hockey.
Player requests a NRP if they wish to tryout for either AA or A hockey.

The Home Centre will determine the player’s closest centre for AA Hockey or for A hockey.
Our A centre is Innisfil.
Our AA centre is either Barrie or TNT depending on your residential address.
Our AAA centre is Barrie.

All requests can be emailed to [email protected] the email MUST include the name of player, address, date of birth.  Please indicate what you are requesting by letting me know which team you are planning to tryout for.  If you are requesting an NRP I need you to indicate if he/she chooses AA or A. The NRP needs to be physically picked up while the PTS form can sometimes be emailed.

Novice & Atom
aged players may only request Permission to Skates and tryout in Barrie for AAA.

Minor Peewee and above
can request an NRP & Permission to Skate.  You can request one or the other or both.  With the NRP you can ONLY tryout for one team EITHER A or AA.  If you request AA and tryout and you DO NOT make it.  You CANNOT come back and request another one to try out for A.  Only ONE NRP per player per year.

Players can try out at AAA but this is not mandatory. Players can tryout at AA OR A (not both) and if they are not offered a spot on the AA or A team they return home. The AA or A team is allowed to only accept 3 NRP players. The player can not tryout for another AA or A team if cut.
Please Note:
THE NRP PASSPORT IS NOT A PLAYER RELEASE NOR IS IT A “AAA” PERMISSION TO TRYOUT FORM. Non-Resident Passports are the “new kid in town”. These forms are very simple numbered forms 8 “ X 5.5”. There are three copies to a form and we complete them with name of player, date of birth, team we are giving you permission to skate with, our name, title and date. When EMHA completes the NRP passport, they keep the top copy and give the other two to the player.

The EMHA is a compassionate organization but we are all persons with a great many things to look after aside from your child’s hockey aspirations outside our organization. Please make every effort to get the request for forms in as soon as possible.

Thank you and good luck,

Tiffany Hart
Acting OMHA Contact
Essa Minor Hockey
