Arena Guidelines, News (Essa Minor Hockey)

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Sep 26, 2020 | Tiffany Hart | 9352 views
Arena Guidelines
As we head back to the arena for the first time since March we want to highlight some important changes that have taken place since the last time that you were there.  Please click the link below and you'll be able to review the entire document that was provided to us.  We wanted to highlight some key points to make sure everyone is on the same page.

#1 - The building will be unlocked 15 minutes prior to the scheduled ice time. If you are late you will not be granted access so please be at the arena 20 minutes before your schedule time so you are ready to enter with the group.

#2 -  Participants must come to the arena dressed and ready to play. Skates, helmets and gloves can be put on in the changeroom.

#3 - 
Entering the building is restricted to Participants, and 1 Parent/Guardian per participant

#4 - Masks must be worn at all times, except when on ice by all facility users.

#5 - Water fountains and canteen are not available.

Each person entering the building must fill in the form below prior to entering the building (one per player, one per bench staff & one per spectator):

Please view the entire protocol document Essa_Recreation_Centre_Operating_Protocols_-_In_response_to_Covid-19.